Guiding you in releasing the stories, beliefs, expectations
and attachment to the past, including teachings on forgiveness,
and through this, creating expansion & opening up your flow to being & receiving more.

Bonus? This program will empower you to make the most of the Equinox,
the coming Eclipse Cycle and to prepare you for ascension.

. . .

Your Invitation from Archangel Michael

Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love! Join us in this field of infinite light and energy to renew your connection to the Infinite and to receive the support we are offering you now, in order to lift your Life into the next octave of experience and to assist you in preparing for even more expansion and shifts in consciousness in the coming months.

There is nothing more delicious and better feeling, than being available to the present moment, in a state of Unity with All That You Are. Drawn into resonance with your Soul, you experience, Soul support -- inner knowing, guidance, infusions of consciousness that feel so good to you! That lift your mood, clarify your energy, expand your presence and empower you.

Your Divine Self, or Soul, is always offering to you, energies of higher frequency consciousness and guidance that will assist you in having the most ease-filled and graceful path.

Your Soul is always looking for the most direct and ease-filled way to guide you to what you’ve asked for. No matter what obstacles may exist, your expanded wholeness, knows how to lead you into the connections and ways of being that serve you most, now.

How to receive this inspired and clear soul guidance? If you’re listening… If you’re tuned in and aware of this vaster wholeness, you can feel your way, into the experiences that serve you and which will fulfill you! You’ll have an inner sense of knowing. Prompts from within. A keen feeling of what to do now. Next. Where to go, what to say, what to do and even when to leave it alone and let it be. All of this is clear, if you’re open and available, energetically.

When your energy is in resonance with your soul, then you’re open and available, you get the information and energy and you feel it! You feel an amazing sense of well-being. You feel strong, centered, calm, capable. You may feel enthusiastic, eager, excited, and you may be expecting wonderful things to happen. You feel them coming, even if you don’t know what exactly they are — you simply feel a profound and joyful sense of positive expectation! This energy is so good for your body-mind! So good for your health and well being. It gives you a sense of elevation — of more being possible.

In this merged state with All That You are, you feel your innate connection with the Infinite and have a profound sense of Life going your way, Life supporting you, Life getting better and better and better! And and it does. The things that manifest surprise and delight you. And the way you feel and the clarity you experience becomes more solid and real to you.

It’s a wonderful experience to discover you can live your life this way. Feeling good and knowing — what will serve you, what calls to you — and recognizing the beauty of what-is, enjoying the moments while sensing the non-physical flowing into form, and expecting really wonderful manifestations. Just knowing that everything is always working out for you and that Life is always expanding in wonderful ways.

Living this way is a real option and it is an experience of translating the vibrational potential within the ascending energy flow, into your manifest life experience.

But often your patterns of thinking interfere. Your negative thoughts about yourself, about what you’ve done, or not done. About what isn’t the way you want it to be, hold you up. Keep you from receiving and translating these energies.

The difficult experiences in your past can linger long beyond the time in which they occur.

They are often internalized as beliefs and even vows that you make, to stay small and avoid relationships, connections, experiences … ANYTHING that could possibly bring about the same kind of experiences.

As a result of feeling you cannot handle another experience like this, you begin to limit what you allow yourself to experience. You tend to feel afraid when you reach beyond the familiar and even when you get a strong inner call to move into new experiences, the vows you’ve made in order, seemingly, to protect yourself, cause you to sabotage yourself and return to the familiar smaller, limited territory of life.

The more expansive energies and the guidance for how to receive what you’ve asked for is always flowing to you, for your Divine Self and Life are continually opening up pathways, for you to move from where you are now, into what you' want.

Your innermost self knows you and is always inviting you into communion, drawing you into energetic resonance, so you can receive more, evolve, and move into your next level expression. This is the nature of being alive and here, now. Life is moving forward! And so are you.

As much as you allow this.

You know within yourself, the areas in your life that tend to feel stuck, repeat themselves despite you wanting something else, and which make you feel afraid, doubtful, less good about yourself and about which you feel frustration with not being able to move forward.

Now, more than ever before, clearing the past and opening up to the expanding energy flow, and the gifts of your Divine Self, matter.

We see that in some ways, most of you still, are significantly affected by your memories, experiences from childhood, teenage years, young adult years, and even recent experiences.

We wish to remind you that the Infinite, and Your Divine Self see none of these things as you do, and in fact, sees all of this differently, through the eyes of love and with an awareness that ALL of this has expanded you, and created so much potential joy and happiness. It is, in fact, a means of clarifying your preferences and expanding your Life in the direction of what you want, love, prefer and now know, you’d rather experience.

If you are ready and willing, to clear your history, and any blocks and stories you hold from the past, now is a wonderful time to do so.

Because right now, you’re approaching a potent and expansive series of alignments with the coming of the March Equinox and the Eclipse Cycle in April and May.

This energy will expand you, and as it amplifes you, you will feel the intensification in your current limits. You will find these learned beliefs and expectations even more bothersome, frustrating and perhaps even painful, in this greater energy, than they were before.

The energy coming into your world, is continually accelerating and increasing. You feel this as there are more solar flares and as a sense of time changing.

You already may notice a tendency to feel overwhelmed more often, as if you have less ability to get done, or get to, what you feel you need to do, and as an overall feeling of continually trying to keep up while also working on what you feel needs your attention. Meanwhile, your body is feeling the cumulative stress of nearly three years of global upheaval, if you’ve not stayed current with relaxing and caring for yourself with gentleness, and love, and cultivating inner peace.

If this is the case for you, or some of this rings true, we have some very good news!

Contrary to what you may think, Beloveds, the way forward is actually about choosing more and doing less. It’s about learning to receive more and learning to goose up your feelings of trust in Life and in the Divine Plan for Earth and for your own conscious evolution.

The way forward is learning to lean into to mystery and let your Soul Support and Lead.

If that sounds good to you, we invite you to join us and discover how to shift quickly, allow more positive ideas to emerge and to begin to create stories, beliefs, expectations and truths, for yourself that feel better and which support you.

One of the most empowering ways to experience much more inner clarity, connection and communion with your vaster wholeness and a feeling of lightness and joy emotionally, is to CLEAR THE PAST. AND, especially, to forgive and release anything you’ve become attached to or are holding onto, with resentment, anger, hatred, frustration, disappointment, or any other lower frequency vibration which results in feelings of separation, unworthiness, self-doubt and/or feelings of not being capable.

This can ALL change, with grace and some focused intent.

To support you in doing this…
In experiencing a significant shift into more ease and flow, more joy and confidence, more happiness and enthusiasm, more steady feelings of expecting wonderful and feeling wonderful, we invite you to join us for new program with the intention of together, CLEARING THE PAST.

We’ll hand this to Ailia, for a brief program summary …


We will gather with you (and you can join live, or listen/participate via the recording later) for five weeks. In weeks 1, 3 and 5 we’ll have two live events each week, and weeks 2 and 4 will be time for you to work with the materials and for integration.

Each live event will include channeled teachings/transmissions, guided Light Work and inner journeys. In addition, there will be written materials (journaling activities, affirmations, etc. in workbook form) for you to use with and alongside, theses six live events.

We’ve arranged this to help you make the most of the Equinox and to prepare us all for the coming Eclipse Cycle, which begins with an annular solar eclipse on April 18 and concludes with a Lunar Eclipse on May 5.

Through the channeled experiences and guided “homework” materials, our non-physical friends and I, will usher you through a specific, reliable and gentle process for clearing the past.

There will be an aspect of forgiveness work in these experiences, but more than that, invitations to reflect, become aware of what is ready to go and tools and practical guided experiences which you can use to open up your flow to the higher light and consciousness that your own Divine Self is presently and continually streaming to you, and to transform these areas of your experience, and shift into a new wide-open experience of spaciousness, well-being and positive expectation.

. . .

Archangel Michael, continues…

We remind you, that All that you are, is alway working with you, to assist in your ascension.

Your job in all this is to learn how to be receptive to that energy and light. To remember that you are not alone and to learn to receive more.

Clearing the past, and forgiving yourself and others, is a powerful way to open up your flow and receive more, shift your consciousness and manifest new experiences.

We invite you to discover your innate powers to CHOOSE and how to use them, along with your focus and intentions, to move your Life, into new territory — a field of higher light and consciosuness, and a feeling of being YOU, in an expanded, empowered way.

Living with clarity, confidence and connection. As you continue to evolve and create, your energy presence and your Life, for your greatest joy and in order to share the energy and harmonics of your unique presence with the world.

So much of allowing yourself to receive more is elevating your own thoughts and feelings about you and about your Life.

This program, or workshop series will be a fun and straightforward way, to do so.

We remind you, too, that it is safe, for you to expand. It is safe for you to want more and to have more. It is safe for you to learn to feel love and joy in being YOU and to know that you are generously supported and generously loved.

The past, is done. There is no need to let it hold you back. Or to hold onto it any longer.

Ready to shift all of this and experience a new beginning? More trust in yourself and in life? More confidence, enthusiasm, more joy, light, inner peace and abundance? We thought that might sound good to you! It’s yours to open up to and receive.

If this new program calls to you, please join us.
It would be our honor to support you!

I AM Archangel Michael with Ailia, the Galactic Dragons and the Council of Radiant Light.


Program Details & Content

CLEARING THE PAST offers a liberating and gentle experience, including a specific process you may use again and again, for clearing/releasing the energy patterns, beliefs, habits and mindset created in the past and shifting into a new beginning. This includes creating aligned empowered new beliefs, and cultivating positive expectation and joy for the future.

Over a series of 5 weeks, you’ll…

  • Be led through this gentle, reliable process of clearing the past and forgiving those you are ready, or wish to forgive;

  • Experience clear, uplifting channeled guidance, inner journeys, and energy activations and infusions to assist you in identifying what holding you back, and learning how to use your power to choose and decide, to make real (TRUE) more supportive, aligned beliefs;

  • Shift and integrate new energies and ideas, over and over;

  • Find yourself feeling more alive, energetic and hopeful.

  • Develop more confidence and know-how in shifting your patterns, releasing what no longer serves you and feel confident you can create new ways of aligning and supporting yourself as your desires expand. The experience will be one you can use again and again in opening up your flow, releasing the past and moving with curiosity and joy into your future.

  • Be guided through a survey that helps you to identify cultural norms and ideals which you’ve felt the need to embody, even if they were not natural or authentic for you. Begin to realize the opportunity to release and drop these external expectations and start to open up to your inner truths, with love and curiosity.

  • Activate Divine Expression and the Divine Perfection for your Life. Open to higher, more exalted and joyful visions for who you might be, how you might live and open to the freedom and expansive energy of being more true and aligned.

  • Elevate your own thoughts, feelings and expectations about your life, now. Expand into a new story, which supports you and aligns with your desires.

    Content Delivery

    The program has three phases, including Six (6) Live Teaching/Channeled Events (with guided experiences/journeys, and energy activations); Affirmations, Journal Prompts, (really good) homework, and time in between each phase for integration.

    The Live Events will be recorded. You may join live, or participate by listening to the recording).

    All events will be live at 12:30 pm pacific time. (Events are approximately 75 minutes in length);


    • Phase One — Begins with a Live Event on Tuesday, March 14 and continues with another Live Event on Thursday, March 16, followed by an integration week, and then…

    • Phase Two — Begins with a Live Event Tuesday, March 28 and continues with another Live Event on Thursday, March 30, followed by an integration week, and then…

    • Phase Three — Begins with a Live Event on Tuesday, April 11 and concludes with a Closing Live Celebration/Event on Thursday, April 13.

    + Opportunities to Submit Questions for Live Q&A. One Live Event — either March 30 or April 11, will be include a LIVE Q&A. Date TBD based on how our group experience unfolds.



I am so excited for the shifts, healing & transformation that will now occur!

By enrolling in this program, you agree to our Standard Terms and Conditions.

As you enroll, I encourage you to do so intentionally. Do this for you. Make a deliberate decision that you are ready for MORE and that this is YOUR TIME to create it!

What happens next?
- After clicking the button and submitting your order, an email payment receipt will be automatically sent to you. Check your inbox.

- Within 24-hours you’ll receive a welcome email to this program, with details for participating, including a schedule and details for your first guided inner journey.


Make payment in full or choose a payment plan.

👉🏼 Payment in Full of $444



Please note this is not a subscription. We are offering these payment plan options as a convenience. You are responsible for all payments with the plan you select.
Payments cannot be canceled.


Hooray! If you are joining us now, WELCOME to CLEARING THE PAST. Here’s to you SHINING BRIGHTER! And being, the very liberated, clear, true, peaceful, happy, powerful and freest version of YOU!

With so much love,


Once you complete your enrollment…

You’ll receive a confirmation of payment sent immediately to the email you used in your purchase.

Look for a separate email within 24-hours, from me, with all of your program details.

To your evolution and limitless expansion!!

Love, Ailia